Leader In Me
Leader In Me at Home
What to Expect
Increased 7 Habits language in the school building and at school events
Consistent communication about Leader in Me
School-wide events that incorporate The Leader in Me
Leadership opportunities for students and their families at building events
Student Opportunities
Lead school assemblies and morning announcements
Take on leadership roles in the classroom
Give building tours
Mentor other students
Build positive and meaningful adult and peer relationships
How You Can Help at Home and School
Support the principles and mindset of the 7 Habits at school and at home
Begin to set goals with your family at home
Ask your child how he/she incorporated the 7 Habits at school each day
Find ways to use the 7 Habits in your own personal and family life
We encourage all families to check out our LeaderinMe at home information.
Download the Parent’s Guide-
Brief review/ explanation of each habit
Activities for both younger children and teens focused on each habit
Children’s reading list- books focused on each of the habits (Primary/ Upper Age/ Teen)